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Singula agendi lock nucis hydraulicae cylindrici ad usum in locis angustiis Salutis cincinno nucis pro mechanica onere habendo singulare agens, onus reditus enamel coctus finis ad augendam corrosionem resistentiae Specialis synthetica coatingis ad resistentiam melioris corrosionis et frictioni inferioris pro leniore operatione inundatio portus functionum sicut plaga limiter Sellae striatae convertuntur et obduratae sunt normae, quae longum tempus postulare solebant ad onera et operationem levandam sustinendam. 3/8" - 18NPT pileum coniugatorium et pulvis inclusa in omnibus exemplaribus.
Industria Applications
Pontem sustentationem et postea gestus Flexilis. Installation and fine-tuning of pellentesque engine in navalia. Installation and bene-tuning of marine pellentesque engine in navalia. Longum tempus sustinet ad sustentationem torcularis magni. Sustentationem et operationem generantis in potentia planta.
Field Applications
Longum tempus pontis constructione sustinet. Diu sustentans pro magno apparatu institutionem. Diu sustinens magnam chalybem compagem glutino. Longum tempus pontis constructionis partium structurarum sustentans.
Exemplar | capacitas | Coll. Altitudo | Plaga | Effective Area | Oleum capacitatis | Ext. Altitudo | O. D | Pondus |
T) | mm) | mm) | cm2) | cm3) | mm) | mm) | kg) | |
KET-CLL-DII | 50 | 164 | 50 | 70,9 | 355 | 214 | 125 | 15 |
KET-CLL-504 | 214 | 100 | 70,9 | 709 | 314 | 125 | 20 | |
KET-CLL-506 | 264 | 150 | 70,9 | 1064 | 414 | 125 | 25 | |
KET-CLL-508 | 314 | 200 | 70,9 | 1418 | 514 | 125 | 30 | |
KET-CLL-5010 | 364 | 250 | 70,9 | 1773 | 614 | 125 | 35 | |
KET-CLL-5012 | 414 | 300 | 70,9 | 2127 | 714 | 125 | 40 | |
KET-CLL-1002 | 100 | 187 | 50 | 132,7 | 664 | 237 | 165 | 30 |
KET-CLL-1004 | 237 | 100 | 132,7 | 1327 | 337 | 165 | 39 | |
KET-CLL-CVI | 287 | 150 | 132,.7 | 1991 | 437 | 165 | 48 | |
KET-CLL-CVIII | 337 | 200 | 132,7 | 2654 | 537 | 165 | 56 | |
KET-CLL-10010 | 387 | 250 | 132,7 | 3318 | 637 | 165 | 64 | |
KET-CLL-10012 | 437 | 300 | 132,7 | 3981 | 737 | 165 | 73 | |
KET-CLL-1502 | 150 | 209 | 50 | 198.6 | 993 | 259 | 205 | 53 |
KET-CLL-1504 | 259 | 100 | 198,6 | 1986 | 359 | 205 | 66 | |
KET-CLL-1506 | 309 | 150 | 198,6 | 2979 | 459 | 205 | 78 | |
KET-CLL-1508 | 359 | 200 | 198,6 | 3972 | 559 | 205 | 92 | |
KET-CLL-15010 | 409 | 250 | 198,6 | 4965 | 659 | 205 | 104 | |
KET-CLL-15012 | 459 | 300 | 198,6 | 5958 | 759 | 205 | 117 | |
KET-CLL-2002 | 200 | 243 | 50 | 265,6 | 1330 | 293 | 235 | 83 |
KET-CLL-2006 | 343 | 150 | 265,6 | 3989 | 493 | 235 | 117 | |
KET-CLL-2012 | 493 | 300 | 265,6 | 7995 | 793 | 235 | 170 | |
KET-CLL-2502 | 250 | 249 | 50 | 366, 1 | 1832 | 299 | 275 | 116 |
KET-CLL-2506 | 349 | 150 | 366, 1 | 5496 | 499 | 275 | 162 | |
KET-CLL-25012 | 449 | 250 | 366, 1 | 10995 | 799 | 275 | 234 | |
KET-CLL-3002 | 300 | 295 | 50 | 456,2 | 2281 | 345 | 310 | 173 |
KET-CLL-3006 | 395 | 150 | 456,2 | 6843 | 545 | 310 | 233 | |
KET-CLL-30012 | 545 | 300 | 456,2 | 13740 | 845 | 310 | 323 | |
KET-CLL-4002 | 400 | 335 | 50 | 559,9 | 2800 | 385 | 350 | 250 |
KET-CLL-406 | 435 | 150 | 559,9 | 8399 | 585 | 350 | 327 | |
KET-CLL-40012 | 585 | 300 | 559,9 | 16800 | 885 | 350 | 441 | |
KET-CLL-5002 | 500 | 375 | 50 | 731,1 | 3656 | 425 | 400 | 367 |
KET-CLL-5006 | 475 | 150 | 731,1 | 10959 | 625 | 400 | 466 | |
KET-CLL-50012 | 625 | 300 | 731,1 | 21930 | 925 | 400 | 617 | |
KET-CLL-6002 | 600 | 395 | 50 | 854,8 | 4277 | 445 | 430 | 446 |
KET-CLL-6006 | 495 | 150 | 854,8 | 12830 | 645 | 430 | 562 | |
KET-CLL-60012 | 645 | 300 | 854,8 | 25650 | 945 | 430 | 737 | |
KET-CLL-8002 | 800 | 455 | 50 | 1176,9 | 5882 | 505 | 505 | 709 |
KET-CLL-8006 | 555 | 150 | 1176,9 | 17645 | 705 | 505 | 870 | |
KET-CLL-80012 | 705 | 300 | 1176,9 | 35370 | 1005 | 505 | 1110 | |
KET-CLL-10002 | 1000 | 495 | 50 | 1466, 4 | 7329 | 545 | 560 | 949 |
KET-CLL-10006 | 595 | 150 | 1466, 4 | 21986 | 745 | 560 | 1141 | |
KET-CLL-100012 | 745 | 300 | 1466, 4 | 43980 | 1045 | 560 | 1430 |
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Synchroni elevatio et reponenda Flexilis gestus in ponte constructione | Long-term firmamentum ad magnum motorem sustentationem | Fortitudo test partium structurarum concretarum |
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